
Generic "Emo" Boy

If there is one dirty word that has given emo it’s nasty stigma, its stereotypes. Stereotypes exist everywhere. There are stereotypes that are for nationalities, races, hobbies (self professed comic-nerd/snob here) etc. but I don’t think there is a more polarizing stereotype than the “emo” one.

So much so that in an interview for NME, Brandon Urie of Panic(!) At The Disco said

“Emo is bullshit!” added Urie. “If people want to take it for the literal sense of the word, yes we’re an emotional band, we put a lot of thought into what we do. People always try to stereotype us, but we don’t fit the emo stereotype.”

So I ask you. Where did the emo stereotype come from? Was it from the get go? Did it just happen? Emo’s roots as discussed last week are diverse and seems to have become the melting pot of genres. Is Brandon Urie just crazy? Trying to be cool? Do you consider P(!)ATD an emo band? Is pop dead?(just throwing that in there for good measure)

(BTW if you haven’t already check out Ron Dobi’s site It’s where the above image came from.)

Discuss. And please, if you know anyone who would be interested in this topic, post on Twitter (p0pisdead if you arent following me already), Facebook, your blogs, etc.
